Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I can't wait for this weekend.

I turned in my proposal, so that only leaves two exams to study for tonight. I'm 1/3rd done?

The proposal feels definitely stronger than what I threw together on the 15th. Not only because I have more written, but I've tried to filter out what I want to get out of the project. Or, not what I want to get out of the project, but what I want to say in the project. I get the feeling that when I'm done with the project, my original proposal will be way off of what I ended up writing about, but at least I have the hardest part done.

Coming up with the idea for a writing topic has always eluded me. I never can just sit down and brainstorm ideas out of the blue. If anything, I avoid it until an idea hits me that's possible to work with, and I run with the idea to turn it into a legitimate project. Maybe that's what brainstorming is all about, but I know for a fact that if I'm sat down in a class to spend 10 minutes writing project ideas, I'll never come up with anything. And I say I know that for a fact because it happened last semester in English 101. I didn't come up with a single idea until a day and a half later when I was in the bathroom and I played out the idea in my head.

It still seems like a daunting task to put together all these concepts into a good paper, but pulling it off seems more possible now that I have a direction.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ear Infection

I've been working out my proposal, trying to figure out exactly what I want to spend the rest of the semester working on.

That's when my ear infection came back. It's been fine since last october, but now it's really acting up. At first it was funny how I could feel a bit of pressure, I laughed it off thinking it might be coming back. A couple hours later I wanted to drop everything and just sleep. And now, my jaw and ear hurt too much to sleep. Luckily I have some leftover medicine from the last ear infection I had, but it doesn't seem to be helping right now. Damn ears.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

More problems

Having trouble thinking of a response for the discussion board. Most of that I guess goes back to the fact that I still don't really get the purpose of this whole project. I think get it, but I don't. What about someone's place am I describing? Where they work, or more about the people there? I guess it's kinda hard to figure out someone's place based on a few questions in a minute long chat. Maybe I needed better questions prepared too.

I'd also say it doesn't help that many of the people I talked to were somewhat quiet, trying to push a brochure or pamphlet. I was hoping I'd be able to get more info out of the person behind the MS Society table. I tried to ask (twice even) just what exactly people who volunteer there do so I could get a better idea of what I'd be getting into, but she ended up describing what MS was. And not well. I was most drawn to that table because my dad has MS, and I was hoping I could help out there, but the "interview" process turned me off too much.

I still don't know how to describe a place based on what people do there. Even if she had done a great job answering my questions, I still don't know what I'd say about the "place."