Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I can't wait for this weekend.

I turned in my proposal, so that only leaves two exams to study for tonight. I'm 1/3rd done?

The proposal feels definitely stronger than what I threw together on the 15th. Not only because I have more written, but I've tried to filter out what I want to get out of the project. Or, not what I want to get out of the project, but what I want to say in the project. I get the feeling that when I'm done with the project, my original proposal will be way off of what I ended up writing about, but at least I have the hardest part done.

Coming up with the idea for a writing topic has always eluded me. I never can just sit down and brainstorm ideas out of the blue. If anything, I avoid it until an idea hits me that's possible to work with, and I run with the idea to turn it into a legitimate project. Maybe that's what brainstorming is all about, but I know for a fact that if I'm sat down in a class to spend 10 minutes writing project ideas, I'll never come up with anything. And I say I know that for a fact because it happened last semester in English 101. I didn't come up with a single idea until a day and a half later when I was in the bathroom and I played out the idea in my head.

It still seems like a daunting task to put together all these concepts into a good paper, but pulling it off seems more possible now that I have a direction.

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